Lack of or improper commissioning, the inability of the building operators to grasp the complexity controls, and lack of proper maintenance lead to inefficient operations and reduced lifetimes of equipment. If regularly scheduled manual maintenance or re-commissioning practices are adopted, they can be expensive and time consuming. Automated proactive commissioning and diagnostic technologies applied to parts of the commissioning process address two of the main barriers to commissioning: cost and schedules. Automated proactive commissioning and diagnostic tools can reduce both the cost and time associated with commissioning, as well as enhance the persistence of commissioning fixes. In the long run, automation even offers the potential for automatically correcting problems by reconfiguring controls or changing control algorithms dynamically. This paper discusses procedures and processes that can be used to automate and continuously commission the economizer operation and outdoor-air ventilation systems of an air-handling unit.
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August 2003
Technical Papers
Automated Proactive Techniques for Commissioning Air-Handling Units
Srinivas Katipamula,
Srinivas Katipamula
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, K5-20, Richland, WA 99352
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Michael R. Brambley,
Michael R. Brambley
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, K5-20, Richland, WA 99352
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Larry Luskay
Larry Luskay
Portland Energy Conservation Inc., 1400 SW 5th Avenue Suite 700, Portland, OR 97201
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Srinivas Katipamula
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, K5-20, Richland, WA 99352
Michael R. Brambley
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, K5-20, Richland, WA 99352
Larry Luskay
Portland Energy Conservation Inc., 1400 SW 5th Avenue Suite 700, Portland, OR 97201
Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for publication in the ASME JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the ASME Solar Energy Division, November 2002; final revision, March 2003. Associate Editor: A. Reddy.
J. Sol. Energy Eng. Aug 2003, 125(3): 282-291 (10 pages)
Published Online: August 4, 2003
Article history
November 1, 2002
March 1, 2003
August 4, 2003
Katipamula, S., Brambley, M. R., and Luskay, L. (August 4, 2003). "Automated Proactive Techniques for Commissioning Air-Handling Units ." ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. August 2003; 125(3): 282–291.
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