In this paper, we consider the heat transfer problems associated with a periodic array of triangular, longitudinal, axisymmetric, and pin fins. The problems are modeled as a wall where the flat side is isothermal and the other side, which has extended surfaces/fins, is subjected to convection with a uniform heat transfer coefficient. Hence, our analysis differs from the classical approach because (i) we consider multidimensional heat conduction and (ii) the wall on which the fins are attached is included in the analysis. The latter results in a nonisothermal temperature distribution along the base of the fin. The Biot number () characterizing the heat transfer process is defined with respect to the thickness/diameter of the fins (t). Numerical results demonstrate that the fins would enhance the heat transfer rate only if the Biot number is less than a critical value, which, in general, depends on the geometrical parameters, i.e., the thickness of the wall, the length of the fins, and the period. For pin fins, similar to rectangular fins, the critical Biot number is independent of the geometry and is approximately equal to 3.1. The physical argument is that, under strong convection, a thick fin introduces an additional resistance to heat conduction.
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December 2017
Technical Briefs
Critical Biot Numbers of Periodic Arrays of Fins
Marios M. Fyrillas,
Marios M. Fyrillas
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Nazarbayev University,
Astana 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan;
Nazarbayev University,
Astana 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan;
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Frederick University,
Nicosia 1303, Cyprus
Frederick University,
Nicosia 1303, Cyprus
Search for other works by this author on:
Sayat Ospanov,
Sayat Ospanov
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Nazarbayev University,
Astana 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
Nazarbayev University,
Astana 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
Search for other works by this author on:
Ulmeken Kaibaldiyeva
Ulmeken Kaibaldiyeva
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Nazarbayev University,
Astana 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
Nazarbayev University,
Astana 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
Search for other works by this author on:
Marios M. Fyrillas
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Nazarbayev University,
Astana 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan;
Nazarbayev University,
Astana 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan;
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Frederick University,
Nicosia 1303, Cyprus
Frederick University,
Nicosia 1303, Cyprus
Sayat Ospanov
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Nazarbayev University,
Astana 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
Nazarbayev University,
Astana 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
Ulmeken Kaibaldiyeva
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Nazarbayev University,
Astana 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
Nazarbayev University,
Astana 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS. Manuscript received August 25, 2016; final manuscript received January 11, 2017; published online April 19, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Amir Jokar.
J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl. Dec 2017, 9(4): 044502 (6 pages)
Published Online: April 19, 2017
Article history
August 25, 2016
January 11, 2017
Fyrillas, M. M., Ospanov, S., and Kaibaldiyeva, U. (April 19, 2017). "Critical Biot Numbers of Periodic Arrays of Fins." ASME. J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl. December 2017; 9(4): 044502.
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