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Keywords: Navier-Stokes equations
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Research Papers
J. Vib. Acoust. April 2011, 133(2): 021009.
Published Online: March 17, 2011
... solution of the NavierStokes equations coupled to a finite element solution of a set of nonlinear string equations. The effect, on the structural and fluid response, of plunging Strouhal number, reduced frequency, and static angle of attack is examined. Qualitatively, the flow field is found to be very...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Technical Papers
J. Vib. Acoust. June 2006, 128(3): 392–401.
Published Online: June 1, 2006
... the unstable speed region and the hysteresis region narrow. The influence of the fluid viscosity on the unstable speed region of a rotor filled with a high viscosity fluid must be considered. Email: cszhu@hotmail.com vibrations flow instability rotors viscosity Navier-Stokes equations aeroacoustics...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Technical Papers
J. Vib. Acoust. October 2003, 125(4): 427–433.
Published Online: October 8, 2003
... Navier Stokes equations. Unlike bulk-flow techniques, CFD makes no fundamental assumptions on geometry, shear stress at the walls, as well as internal flow structure. The method allows modeling of any arbitrarily shaped domain including stepped and interlocking labyrinths with straight or angled teeth...